Építészet mint design és tanulás -szimpózium angol nyelven
A Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem szimpóziumot szervez Achitecture as design and learning in practice and theory címmel.
Időpont: 2015. június 19., péntek 14:00 óra
Helyszín: a MOME Auditóriuma
14:00 - 14:45
Designing with children: exploring creative dialogue and togetherness
Joanna Birch, The University of Sheffield
A three year project, based at The University of Sheffield, has explored design processes - the details and minutiae - when architects engage with children. Using interview data and focussed ethnographic observation of live design sessions in UK, Germany and Greece, findings emerge regarding the nature of creative dialogue and the value of designing and building together.
14:45 - 15:00
Teaching design and architecture in a public school
Mészáros Zsuzsanna, Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Általános Iskola és
The experiments of an architect and art teacher on teaching architecture and design in the tight frames of Hungarian public education – a well-tried practice and plans for the future.
15:00 - 15:15
Spatial Learning / TérTan
Cseh András, Pre Architectura, Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem, Széchenyi István Egyetem
Introduction of a university subject focusing on spatial perception, action and creation, as the base of learning processes and architecture education.
15:15 - 16:00
Open discussion / Beszélgetés
A szimpózium nyelve angol.