
Ipari örökségvédelem a V4 országokban // Online szeminárium
„Industrial heritage protection in V4… does it work?" címmel kerül megrendezésre a Visegrádi Alap V4 Industrial Heritage projektjének angol nyelvű, online szemináriuma, mely az ipari örökségek, ipari műemlékek és műtárgyak védelmével kapcsolatos kérdéseket járja körbe. A V4 három országából (Magyarország, Szlovákia, Csehország) felkért előadók ismertetik meglátásaikat a jogszabályi keretekről, a megőrzéssel kapcsolatos kihívásokról és a sikeres projektekről.
A szeminárium második részében bemutatkozik a V4 Industrial Heritage projekt. A három konzorciumi tag előadása hét-hét csehországi, szlovákiai és magyarországi ipari örökségi helyszínt mutat be, röviden ismertetve azok történetét, és magyarázatot adva arra, hogy miért ezeket az örökségeket válogatták be első körben a projektbe, mint bemutatásra érdemes helyeket. A szeminárium közben és végén lehetőség lesz az előadóknak kérdéseket feltenni.
A szeminárium nyelve angol. A részvétel ingyenes, de regisztrációhoz kötött. A szemináriumon kép-, hang- és videofelvételek készülnek, melyek a későbbiekben megosztásra kerülhetnek.
Regisztráció ezen a linken.
Károly Teleki
Welcome, introduction of the V4 Industrial Heritage Project and opening thoughts of the seminar
The presentation will show the scope and results of the ongoing project which aims to promote the industrial heritage of V4 countries showcasing 21 heritages from Hungary, Slovakia and Czechia at the beginning. Opening thoughts about the subject of the seminar.
Anna Gondová
Industrial heritage protection in Slovakia - from the perspective of the Monuments Office of the Slovak Republic
the presentation will introduce current methods and possibilities of protecting industrial heritage in Slovakia, forms of legislative protection, specifics for UNESCO sites and current topics from the point of view of the Monuments Board of the Slovak republic (PÚSR) https://www.pamiatky.sk/
Eva Kráľová
The architecture of Industrial Heritage conversions
The presentation will provide a general overview of the architecture of industrial heritage conversions, exploring the intervention levels in conversion projects and discussing the criteria that define a successful and functional conversion. The session will conclude with the introduction of the upcoming publication, Architecture of Conversions in Slovakia 2003–2025
10.30-10.45 short break
Heritage expert from Czechia
Industrial heritage protection in the Czech Republic
The presentation provides insight into the situation of heritage protection and monument conservation in the Czech Republic, including the possibilities of the monument protection authorities and the challenges they face.
Piroska Varga
Protection and Reuse of Industrial Heritage
In her presentation, the speaker focuses on the architect´s point of view. She discusses the design possibilities available, and the challenges faced when architects are fortunate enough to redesign an industrial heritage or repurpose it with a new function. She will briefly touch on the Hungarian heritage protection legislation.
Kristóf Kelemen
Hungarian industrial heritage museums and their artefacts
The presentation will introduce the Hungarian industrial heritage museums with their most unique artefacts. It will also show their surviving techniques, scenic exhibitions and how they make their mechanical sciences popular to the masses.
12.15-13.00 lunch break
Lukáš Beran
Seven Czech Industrial Heritage
The presentation will introduce the 7 Czech industrial heritage sites, their brief history and why they were selected for the project
Károly Teleki
Seven Hungarian Industrial Heritage
The presentation will introduce the 7 Hungarian industrial heritage sites, their brief history and why they were selected for the project
Vladimir Hain
Digital tools for presenting industrial conversions - Slovak Industrial Heritage
The presentation will describe current methods and possibilities of presenting industrial heritage by modern digital tools and shortly introduce the 7 Slovak industrial heritage sites in Bratislava, their brief history and why they were selected for the project.
Open discussion
Dr. Károly Teleki CMC is a certified business consultant with solid engineering, economic and industrial background. He is also a certified tour and event organiser. He established www.industrialheritagehungary.com in 2015 an informative website about industrial heritage news in Hungary and the region. He organises birdwatching and industrial heritage tours and gives advice in strategy, process improvement, lean and tourism.
Ing. arch. Anna Gondová, PhD. works as the focal point for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention and European Heritage Label Initiative at the Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic (PÚSR). She is an active member of the Slovak Commission for UNESCO and ICOM. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at STU in Bratislava, where she completed also her doctoral studies, after completing her studies, she worked for several years at the Municipal Monuments Preservation Institute in Bratislava, focusing on the presentation of cultural heritage of Bratislava both at home and abroad. Her professional scope includes the restoration of historical monuments, industrial heritage, and topics related to the restoration of Bratislava Castle. She has successfully presented these topics at international conferences, exhibitions and related publications.
Assoc. prof. Eva Kráľová, CSc. has been actively and systematically engaged in the theory and practice of monument restoration and architectural heritage conservation (including industrial heritage) in Slovakia. Her work focuses on promotion, presentation, and education, mentoring students and doctoral candidates at STU. She is actively involved in rural and landscape management, where the protection and adaptive reuse of architectural and industrial heritage play a crucial role. She collaborates with international organizations such as ICOMOS, ECOVAST, and TICCIH. As a recognized expert in these fields, she contributes to the planning, restoration, and repurposing of heritage buildings and complexes, participating in heritage programming and project development.
Czech expert to be announced later
Dr. Piroska Varga DLA is an architect and cultural heritage manager. Her research topic is the functional change and rehabilitation of industrial buildings. She established Grafit Műterem Kft (www.grafitmuterem.hu) in 2015 and she is an lecturer at the Departure of History of Architecture and Urbanism at the Győr Széchenyi University.
Kristóf Kelemen is a certificated historian and museologist with the specialisation of industrial heritage. He is a curator of the Hungarian Museum of Science Technology and Transport. He is the founder and main organiser of the National Industrial Heritage Conference.
Ing. arch. Vladimír Hain, PhD., univ. assoc. prof. graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at STU in Bratislava (since September 2020, the Faculty of Architecture and Design – FAD STU) in 2011. Since his doctoral studies in Architecture and Heritage Restoration, he has been dedicated to digital technologies, their application in architecture, and particularly the presentation of industrial heritage. He has actively participated in numerous international conferences and has served as a co-organizer and curator of several exhibitions. Currently, he works as a University Associate Professor at the vertical studio Data[LAB] and teaches the courses Constructions I, Constructions II, and Architectural Detail, Architecture and Mixed Reality at FAD STU. His expertise in Mixed Media presentations and digitalization was further developed through a one-year Erasmus study program at Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst in Ghent, Belgium, as well as in cooperation with Design Factory n.g.o.
Mgr. Lukáš Beran PhD is a historian of architecture and pedagogue at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Since 2005 he has been working at the Industrial Heritage Research Center, which since 2011 has been a part of the Department of Theory and History of Architecture FA. Since 2013 he lectures at the FA subject Architectural composition.